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Creating A Perfect Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

Smile Makeover

There are several cosmetic dentistry procedures available to help you create the perfect smile. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on a number of dental procedures designed to improve the aspect of the teeth. Treatments have little or no impact on teeth’s functionality, but they change dramatically the way in which they look.

Teeth Whitening

One of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures is teeth whitening and we often use this treatment to help rejuvenate smiles. You can choose from in-office whitening treatments that can take as little as an hour or home whitening kits that use custom-fitted whitening trays to gently brighten the color of your teeth.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are another extremely versatile treatment and these are excellent for covering up teeth that are not quite perfect. Many people will have one or two teeth that are chipped or worn or that are slightly oddly shaped, or that will not respond to tooth whitening treatments. Covering up badly stained and misshapen teeth can help create that smile you desire. This is also one of the cosmetic dentistry procedures to consider if you have any gaps you wish to close up or minimize.

Dental Bonding And Contouring

This is another fast treatment that can often be completed in just one visit. Teeth that are slightly chipped or misshapen can be bonded with composite resin to create a more pleasing appearance. Teeth Contouring is a process that removes the tiny amount of tooth enamel from the tooth surfaces, helping to create a more appealing shape.

Dental Implants

All these cosmetic dentistry procedures can be completed within a few short weeks and are ideal when you do not have too much time to spare. If you are looking for a more comprehensive smile makeover, perhaps involving dental implants, then you will need to allow a greater length of time for treatment to be completed. Conventional dental implants normally take a minimum of three months and often slightly longer as surgery must be carefully planned and the implants need plenty of time to heal before being fully restored. In spite of this, it is still a treatment that is well worth considering as the results can be amazing.


Achieving the perfect smile is well within your grasp. Schedule your cosmetic consultation and contact Smile Esthetics Scottsdale at (480) 448-0770 today!

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Smile Esthetics

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