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When Will I Know That I Need To See A Periodontist?


Many people stand the risk of getting gum disease because of poor oral hygiene. Consequently, they might need to visit a periodontist for evaluation and treatment. Most dentists can routinely treat a mild type of gum disease. However, if the gum disease is progressed to a complicated state, most dentists prefer that the patient see a specialist for an in-depth assessment. A periodontist specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gum diseases such as periodontitis and gingivitis. Some of the services a periodontist offer include: tooth extraction; deep gum cleaning; placement of implants, root therapy; cosmetic dental procedures and any type of surgery to the jaw bone.

Having good oral hygiene is important to maintain healthy gums and for preventing periodontal disease. When you don’t brush and floss at least twice daily, you allow plaque to build upon your teeth. Over time, the plaque turns into tartar, which leads to inflammation and eventually infection of the gums. This is known as gingivitis. Even though gingivitis is manageable and mild, if it’s not treated properly, it can become significant and permanent. Some of the signs of gingivitis include swelling of gums, soreness in gums and bleeding gums when brushing and flossing. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a periodontist as soon as possible to discuss treatment.

When gum disease is found early on and treated properly, permanent damage to the mouth, gums, and teeth can be avoided. Constant cleanings performed by a dental hygienist, along with daily flossing and brushing, has proven effective for reversing further damage or incidences of gingivitis. Prompt and quick action with a periodontist is the key to ensuring a healthy outcome.

Those who choose to not seek immediate attention when they experience the symptoms of gum disease are more than likely to develop periodontitis. Periodontitis is considered a severe disease and can potentially cause permanent damage to the gums, teeth, and bones in the mouth. If plaque continues to build on your teeth for long periods of time, it will harden and turn to calculus quickly. Calculus is considered dangerous because it can cause decay of the bones and tissues in the mouth that keep your teeth in place. If the bone and tissue begin to disintegrate, the gums will recede and your teeth stand the risk of falling out. The result is very painful and costly requiring cosmetic reconstructive surgery including permanent dental implants and bone reconstruction.

Good oral hygiene along with flossing, brushing and routine dental visits can prevent periodontitis and reverse gingivitis.

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